Monday, April 18, 2005

legal + profitable = moral?

On my way to work today, I was listening to Morning Edition on NPR and I heard a story about an oil boom in the Russian island of Sakhalin. Apparently, foreign oil companies (primarily American) have come in and made a fortune... but the locals are not profiting a bit, and they're starting to get a little bit upset.

One of the guys they interviewed for the story was a veteran of the Alaskan oil boom and had represented his company there. In Alaska, the people who live there were paid for the right to drill on the land, and received rather substantial royalty checks every month. Needless to say, they thought that the oil company being there was a good thing. This guy is contrasting that to the situation in Russia, where the system is corrupt and the government contacts, mafia enforcers and local "bosses" are reaping all of the profit, while the locals are getting nothing.

What really caught my attention was that the American guy said something like "that's just the way it is in Russia, and if you want to do business here, you have to go along with it."

If that's the way it is, and you know it's not right, why in the world would you want to do business there?

Do I really have to answer that?

The American religion of consumerism/capitalism has made it a "sin" to pass up an opportunity to make a profit. Heck, it's even illegal. Time and time again, I've heard CEO's, financial analysts, stockbrokers, and news commentators state that a company has a "legal responsibility to its stockholders" to make as much profit as they possibly can. That refrain is constantly used as justification for pursuing the most predatory and morally questionable practices... as long as they're not specifically illegal.

So, under this system, a company would be acting unethically if it passed up an opportunity to make scads of cash by partnering with a corrupt, oppressive system if their only qualms were moral. As long as there's no law preventing them, they HAVE to pursue the opportunity.

I first started thinking about this a couple of years ago, when I heard another NPR story about the impact that the "war on tobacco" is having on tobacco farmers in the US. One tobacco farmer who was interviewed said that in his view, the state (I don't remember which one he was from) should use some of the money they got from the tobacco companies as a legal settlement to subsidize his TOBACCO FARMING, since the settlement has made it harder for the big tobacco companies to pay him as much for his product. This guy was totally serious. He saw no problem with claiming that some of the money the states were awarded BECAUSE TOBACCO HARMS AND KILLS PEOPLE should rightfully go to him so that he can afford to continue GROWING TOBACCO.

I thought that this guy actually exemplified the sort of new moral compass that defines American economics and business. The reason this guy started growing tobacco was because it was profitable. The question of whether he SHOULD grow a crop that didn't contribute nutritionally to anyone, but rather served only to sicken and kill them was not part of the equation. The closest this guy came to considering this choice from a moral standpoint was to ask himself "is it against the law for me to grow tobacco?" The choice was not whether he should use his resources as a farmer to produce a product that contributed to people's health and well-being or to their illness and death; the choice was which crop that he is legally allowed to grow will net him the most profit.

In American business circles, to say "I haven't done anything wrong," actually means "I haven't done anything illegal." Partly to blame is our mania to use legislation as our exclusive weapon against predatory or oppressive practices. Remember the old saying, "you can't legislate morality"? Well, it's right. All the laws in the world won't make people moral. The most we can hope for from laws is that they limit the amount of harm the powerful can inflict on the vulnerable.

So what can we do about it? Pass even more laws? I would caution us against continuing down that road. By no means should we abandon legislation which is designed to protect the vulnerable, but neither should we assume that passing those laws is all that is necessary to establish justice. A person or group of business-people must want to pursue practices that put the considerations of the needy above those of themselves and their (mostly wealthy) stockholders. A power and authority higher than human laws is needed to accomplish that. An authority that considers the vulnerable before the powerful, who raises the valleys and lowers the hills, who brings calamity upon the wealthy and hope to the poor.

Don't worry, it's coming. Until then, all we can do is decide to accept or reject the morality of profit for ourselves, and to live accordingly. To join ourselves to a people who live by a different hope and under a Truth so large that it obliterates the lies that define our broken world.

Sounds simple, huh? It is. It's also so difficult that it's impossible to do ourselves, and impossible to do alone.

So don't do it yourself. And don't do it alone.

- "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!"


Sean said...

Is that from "Broadcast News"?...oh..and you posted twice.

Mr. Mac said...

No, and yes, and I hate blogspot sometimes...

Sean said...

"Network" then?

Mr. Mac said...
