Monday, March 21, 2005


Craig Wong is the Executive Director of GUM, Inc. It's a non-profit started by our church, and it runs the tutoring program I volunteer for as well as the summer youth internship program which sets neighborhood youth up with paid internships in local businesses. I was a job coach for that program last summer.

Anyway, Craig went to a conference somewhere sometime last year (I know, I know, I can't remember the specifics) and came back with a pin that read "WWJB?" Being who he is, he waited until somebody asked him what it meant. "Who Would Jesus Bomb?" was his reply, and I can tell you that many an interesting conversation was sparked by this twist on what's become a tired cliche (I don't know how to do accents in this program. If you do, please let me know! Then I can write in Spanish!).

So, the next time you're sitting around and discussing politics with a group of Christians, try throwing that question out. You're sure to get some kind of response!

-"Yes, but the... whole point of the doomsday machine... is lost... if you keep it a secret!"


Sean said...

Is this one from "Dr. Strangelove"?

Mr. Mac said...

So it is!

Mr. Mac said...
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