Friday, January 21, 2005

Why blog now?

All the cool kids are doing it!
Well, at least one is... my brother, Sean. The fact that I consider him to be cool may reflect poorly on me or not... depending on how well you know him.
Anyway, my blog will not be as cool as his, since my music list would consist of U2 and Tchaikovsky, and I watch about 0.6 movies per year.
So, from time to time, I may post something that I think is cool and think you might think is cool, too.
Most of the time, however, I'm going to probably end up using this blog as a place to rant. Every once in a while - actually, several times a day - I hear something that makes me want to yell "Oh, give me a break!" or "Liar!" (my parents brought me up not to use profanity) from advertisers, politicians, or "they."
So, this blog is going to be kind of a form of therapy for me, since I need to yell at the world sometimes just to remind myself what's true when the air is full of attractive lies.
If you happen to be passing under my window and something I yell makes you go, "huh," then I'll be pleased. If you think, "that guy's a nut!," please feel free to engage in a dialogue by commenting, rather than calling the police.
Oh, yeah, I'll be ending my posts with some of my favorite movie quotes. Bonus points if you know the movie. (Bonus points are not redeemable for cash or prizes... sorry)

- "Why is everything so heavy in the future?"


Sean said...

Could it be Christopher Lloyd as Doctor Elliot Brown in "Back to the Future Part II"?

Mr. Mac said...

Close, but no cigar! (I mean like, really, really, close)

Sean said...

did I say Elliot? I meant Emmett. I'm so ashamed.

Sean said...

okay fine...part I...but I am pretty sure he said it again in part II.